Organ Donation Pledge Programm

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According to World Health Organization (WHO) statistics released in June – 2022, only 0.01% of the population of India donates organs after death. In India, every day, approx. 22,500 people die, yet only 2 people of these would have pledged their organs before death. With an ever-increasing spectrum of diseases, organ failures and accidents, the need for voluntary organ donation is high. It is estimated that each year, approximately 2,50,000 people need a kidney, 80,000 require a liver transplant, 50,000 need a heart transplant, and a startling 1,00,000 need a cornea transplant! ( Source – Google)

Understanding Organ Donation

Organ donation is the act of giving an organ to save or improve the life of someone who needs a transplant. One surely can donate some organs while being alive, for example: a kidney, or a part of liver. However, most organ and tissue donations comes from people who are no more.

Anyone can register a decision to donate their organs and tissue when they die, regardless of their age or medical conditions. To ensure that all donated organs are safe, the donor’s medical and lifestyle history is assessed at the time of donation. Faith, beliefs and culture play a big part in how people feel about organ donation, and if one chooses to be a donor, these will always be respected, nevertheless.

The Pledge Programme

This is a public awareness campaign to encourage and promote deceased organ donation. Through this initiative, we aim to bring about an affirmative change to the current scenario by inspiring people to pledge for organ donation and bridge the huge gap between need and availability.

Registration Donor Details

Follow the “3 Ps”


Sign up to pledge the organs by filling up the Organ Donation Pledge Form on August 13 – 2022 (World Organ Donation Day). One can also fill out this form online by clicking on the link mentioned in the official PSRI website.


Ensure that your near and dear ones understand, remember and respect your decision for organ donation after your death. Consent of a near relative or a person in lawful possession of the dead body is required. Also, spread the word to encourage your friends & family members to be a part of this noble initiative!


On joining the pledge, the donors shall be receiving a Donor Card with a heartwarming thank you note for joining the list of the proud Marshall marching forward to save lives. The Donors shall be requested to preserve the card safely & keep the same with them at all times.

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